Attendance tracking

The Sentraali attendance tracking service always shows you an up-to-date list of your employees. The service lets you know for sure who is present and improves occupational safety.


Real-time attendance tracking

In Sentraali, you can see the personnel’s attendance situation in real time. It is an automatically updated list that you can open in your browser and keep on all day long.

The main user of Kellokortti can make their own personnel lists and forward the network link to the people who need them. A list can be made and forwarded for supervisors and the call centre, for example. The list can even be grouped by department. In addition, you can choose which departments or cost centres are shown in the list.

kellokortti kalenteri

Attendance tracking helps you in problematic situations

A list of employees present at the workplace is a useful tool in many situations. The more employees there are, the more difficult it is to know who are present. For example, Sentraali knows if a certain person has already arrived at the workplace. In possible danger situations, you also know how many employees are at the workplace and who those employees are. In the event of a fire, for example, you can check that everyone is safe.

Cost-effective work time tracking

Kellokortti is a flexible and versatile solution for work time tracking in all industries. Pricing is based on the number of active users and selected features.

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